Flood Beacon
Read about Flood Beacon in CNet, TechFaster, Tech City News and Postscapes
Flood Beacon is an internet-connected device that broadcasts real-time flood level data and alerts.
The risk of flooding is increasing. Flood damage losses are expected to increase four fold by 2050, costing $1 trillion globally. Unfortunately in dealing with this growing problem, those at risk have to rely on predicted flood information, rather than real-time information. Flood Beacon aims to address this failing by providing flood data and warnings in real-time.
The Flood Beacon is engineered to broadcast live data such the current water level, GPS location and any sudden accelerations the beacon may feel. The data is sent to cloud for processing and distributed via an open API, managed by Xively. Alerts can then be sent to our smartphone application (push notification when someone is in immediate danger), monitoring stations or anything else people wish to develop.
The prototype hardware technology inside includes a GSM chip for communication, microprocessor, accelerometer, ultrasonic sensors, rechargeable LiPo battery and a 3D printed design. View the Flood Beacon website here.